River Olympics Finalists Announced-υποψήφια η Πρέσπα

Ημ/νία Ανάρτησης: 5 Αυγούστου, 2012
Η Πρέσπα και η Εταιρεία Προστασίας Πρεσπών υποψήφια για ένα από τα πιο σημαντικά βραβεία περιβαλλοντικής προστασίας…



River Olympics Finalists Announced

PUBLISHED: 02 AUGUST 2012   SOURCE: International RiverFoundation

The International RiverFoundation has announced the finalists of the 2012 Thiess International Riverprize – the environmental equivalent of the Olympics. The finalists are (in no particular order):


Willamette River (USA),


Prespa Lakes  (Greece),


Okavango River  (Angola, Namibia and Botswana) and


Nushagak River  (USA).


The Thiess International Riverprize is awarded annually in recognition of those who have developed and implemented outstanding, visionary and sustainable programs in river basin management. The winner receives a cash prize which includes a grant to establish a ‘twinning’ project – facilitating knowledge exchange with another river basin anywhere in the world.
This year’s finalists represent a diverse array of projects from different corners of the world. It is commendable that such diverse groups are committed to integrated river basin management and waterway protection and restoration. A brief insight into each project is provided.